by Vero Bielinski
Published by Kerber, 2015 – Gift from the publisher –
Location: Studio Sakse – Chiang Mai, Thailand
The urbane, middle-class, consumer-oriented subculture of the hipster has, within recent years, become a widespread, international phenomenon, successor to the yuppie and the dandy, and amplified by the ascent of internet culture. Frankfurt-based photographer Vero Bielinski (born 1988) travels through hipster microcosms, capturing the subculture in the place that has now become nearly synonymous with it: Brooklyn.
Yearning to express their individuality, reappropriating the kitsch and trading in the ironic, Williamsburg’s hipsters are easily identified by their fashion choices. In 2012, Bedford Avenue was a stage, a place to see and be seen, and Bienlinski’s street photography documents this scene in New York’s history.
With her expressive portraits, Bielinski approached this culture as an outsider, capturing the vulnerability and sensibilities of these individuals who yearn for uniqueness even as they don their uniforms.