By Ian Teh
Published by Timezone8, 2008 – Gift from the artist – Signed –
Location: Studio Sakse – Chiang Mai, Thailand – Library viewing only
Preface by Christian Caujolle
Malaysian-born, Chinese-British photographer Ian Teh practices photography as an elegant, adaptable explorer, a curious flaneur who searches China for elements of his identity and roots. For months, if not years, he has conducted inquiries focusing on situations of unrest and on the paradoxes of the modern world that he seeks to better understand. His lens seeks out situations of industry, change, pollution, cynicism, and power. He does this in order to exhibit them to others, providing substance for thought. But he could only do this in colours: most of all, his photography is about colour.
Merging Boundaries
The Vanishing: Altered Landscapes and Displaced Lives on the Yangtze River
Tainted Landscapes: Series I: Birth of a New Coal Power Station
Tainted Landscapes: Series II: Heavy Industry in Linfen, China’s most Polluted City
Dark Clouds
The publisher is defunct – Available online